Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Static Testing

Looks like blogBuddy is good for quick-posts, but doesn't put titles on posts.
Forunately Blogger allows for editing posts, so I can always add them later.

Meaningful post for this week:
Static Testing:
Careful review of requirements and design for anything that is vague, unclear, or ambiguous may appear to consume too much time when trying to get a project going, however, taking more time up front to eliminate faults in the requirements or design will save time and money as the project gets closer to the target release date.

It's faster, easier, and cheaper to fix your product before code is written than it is when Sales and Marketing are screaming because the date slipped and they've already promised the product to someone.

It costs far more to go through test/rework/retest cycles because the requirements, specs, and/or design are vague, unclear, or ambiguous. With poor or no Static Testing at the front-end, the faults found in test tend to be more severe, costing time and money to fix and retest.

If your development process doesn't currently include your Test Team in review of requirements, specs and design, SPEAK-UP! When you explain the value of up-front static testing - if you do a good job of it, that is, people will listen.

blogBuddy test

Just a quick test to see how well blogBuddy works for posting...

Google Groups Software Test
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