Thursday, December 16, 2004

Fun article at Stickyminds :)

In my weekly Stickyletter, there was a fun article about ideas for Tester Bumper stickers this week.
Bumper Stickers for Testers


Test Case Management

I found a nice little freeware test case manager database tool published by Pierce business systems. It's called Test Case Manager, of all things. For those of you who, like me have been using an Excel spreadsheet to record your test cases and results, it's a nice, welcome change.
They've also got a collection of templates for different Test-releated documentation. I haven't had a chance to look them over yet, so I can't tell you if they're something I'll be using.

Anyhow, just another place to find some resources on the web!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Software Testing Links

I've found a ton of web resources dedicated to Software Testing. Here are some of my favorites:
Useful Docs and Templates
Software Testing Stuff
QA Forums

maybe some of these will prove useful!

Google Groups Software Test
Browse Archives at